Sandra Tayler

When it comes to my creative life, Sandra Tayler is one of my closest confidants. I met Sandra at the World Science Fiction Convention the year I published my first novel. I don’t recall the specifics of the panel, or what exactly Sandra said (all the wisdom I’ve collected from Sandra over more than a decade exists in a jumble of awesome goodness in my brain). Still, I recall vividly the feeling of walking away Read more…

C.M. Adler

If memory serves, the first time I met Christine, I was moderating a panel on poetry to science fiction and fantasy symposium. Christine impressed me with her knowledge of esoteric poets, which was almost as vast as my own. Again, if memory serves, we spent a significant portion of that panel nerding out over poets and poetry we loved. Later, a friend of mine pointed Christine out at a mass signing and raved about her Read more…

Juliette Wade

I’m not sure how long I’ve known. We’ve been convention acquaintances longer than I can recall. We’ve been nerding out about writing for years, long before she was published. I remember this because I kept thinking, why isn’t she published yet? Then, at the Nebula Award weekend in 2019, we were hanging out in the bar, and Juliette told me she finally got a deal. Finally! Juliet looks at writing a bit differently than I Read more…

Gary Jackson

Gary Jackson became my friend before we ever met. Sometimes you experience writing that stabs so deeply into the core of your soul that a bond forms. Jackson’s book, Missing You Metropolis, a collection of poems about comic books and growing up in a world before being nerdy was cool, was such a book for me. I never expected to meet Gary Jackson in person, but there we were, face to face at AWP 2022. Read more…